2019 EC12 National Championship
September 12th – 14th, 2019
Organized by the STOWE YACHT CLUB (AMYA # 159)
Regatta Site: The regatta will be sailed on Commodore’s Pond behind the Commodore’s Inn, Stowe, Vermont.
RULES. The regatta will be governed by the 2017-2020 Racing Rules of Sailing (“RRS”), as modified by Appendix E of the RRS, the Sailing Instructions (“SI’s”) and any amendments to the SI’s.
ELIGIBILITY AND ENTRY. Any owner of a duly registered EC12 Class boat, who is a current member of the AMYA, or his/her appropriate national authority, may participate in this regatta.Eligible competitors may enter their boat by completing the On-Line Entry Form available via theAMYA.org, Regatta Page and look for the “Register On-line Link” or Stoweyachtclub.com, Regatta Tab. Registration is now open !
LODGING. Each competitor is expected to make arrangements for their own housing and transportation for the duration of the event. A special regatta rate will apply to a limited number of rooms at the Commodore’s Inn. Call the Inn at 800-447-8693 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Wednesday, Sept 11th 1200 – 1800 Registration & Measurements of boats
1200 – 1600 Practice sailing is available on the pond
1830 – 2030 Welcome Cocktail Reception & BBQ
Thursday, Sept 12st 0930 Skipper’s Meeting
1000 - 1600 Racing
Seeding races followed by Fleet Racing
Friday, Sept 13th 0930 Skipper’s Meeting
1000 – 1600 Racing Fleet Racing
Saturday, Sept 14th 0930 Skipper’s Meeting
1000 – 1600 Racing Fleet Racing
1830 Awards Banquet
Hours for social events are approximate. Schedule will be updated on our website.
SAILING INSTRUCTIONS (“SI’s”) & FREQUENCY ASSIGNMENTS. The SI’s will be posted on our website by the Deadline Date. The SI’s and Frequency Assignments will be emailed or mailed to competitors shortly after the Deadline Date.
FLEET MANAGEMENT & SCORING. The regatta will be conducted using the Equal Opportunity Racing System (“EORS”) with a fleet promotion and relegation process. Scoring will be the Low Point Scoring System, per Appendix A of the RRS.
PRIZES. Trophies will be awarded to the top five positions. AMYA gold chevrons will be awarded to the top three positions.
CONTACTS: Website: www.stoweyachtclub.com
The website contains the Entry Form and additional information about the regatta. Information will be periodically updated (List of Competitors, Schedule, etc.).
Race Directors: Tim Stone This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 802-373-0638
Commodores Inn: Bruce Nourjian This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 802-253-7131
PDF links; NOR for this regatta and Registration Entry.
- SYC 2019 EC12 National Championship (NOR) – Acrobat (pdf) format
- Registration Entry
- SYC 2019 EC12 Nationals Sailing Instructions
- SYC 2019 EC12 Nationals Race Scoresheet
- SYC 2019 EC12 Nationals Championship Results